
  • March 11, 2019

    Events in Vana'diel
    Final Forms of Ambuscade Weapons

    March 11, 2019 - Ambuscade weapons can now be reforged to their final form by trading a Pulse Panoplia weapon and other items to Gorpa-Masorpa.

  • April 3, 2019

    Events in Vana'diel
    Monthly Objectives

    April 3, 2019 - The "Monthly Objectives" category is added to Records of Eminence. Deeds of Heroism are earned by completing monthly objectives and exchanged for various rewards. Later additions to rewards include the cipher of Monberaux’s alter ego in March 2020, and Treaties on Martial Techniques and Primer on Martial Techniques in April 2020.

  • May 10, 2019

    Events in Vana'diel
    FINAL FANTASY XI Config and Installer Update

    May 10, 2019 - The FINAL FANTASY XI Config settings are updated, and the configuration window is simplified to clarify the functions for each setting. The installer is simultaneously updated, making it easier and faster to install the game than ever before.

  • May 10, 2019

    Behind-the-scenes Commentary
    Cutting Down on Installation Time

    I remember having a really hard time coming up with explanations for the MIP map and bump map categories from the old configuration tool. For those familiar with those words, descriptions in layman's terms can be hard to associate with the technical features being described. In the end, we had the explanations describe how each setting affected the appearance of the game. If you feel overwhelmed and just want the highest visual quality possible, I'd recommend selecting the "Ultra" preset in the General tab.
    I set out to address the grievances I had with the old installer, with the biggest objectives being to reduce the number of clicks required and enabling DirectPlay. Our tests showed that time required from installation to login was reduced by almost two hours, so should you ever need to install FFXI in the future, please try out the 2019 version of the installer. (Iori Watanabe, Planner)

  • May 10, 2019

    Behind-the-scenes Commentary
    Removing Barriers to Entry

    The goal of the installer revamp was to address longtime feedback about how the version update process during installation was too long and deterring new players from trying the game. It was often considered low priority because its merits were hard to quantify from a business perspective, but because we were sure we'd no longer have expansion-sized updates to the game, and our division was supportive of our efforts to remove any entry barriers to the game, we managed to make the revamp happen.
    We were also requested by Mr. Yoshida (Naoki Yoshida, Vice President and head of Creative Business Unit III) to make the configuration tool easier to understand, and he reviewed our specification documents as we made our adjustments. The revamp was a highly technical endeavor led by Mr. Watanabe, our hero who would later put together a remote development environment for us during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Yoji Fujito, Director)

  • August 6, 2019

    Events in Vana'diel
    Watermelon Mandragora

    August 6, 2019 - The watermelon-like Citrullus subspecies of mandragora debuts in Ambuscade. This is the first time a new monster is added through Ambuscade, though Citrullus are technically only a variation of an existing monster. A shirt with a Citrullus design is also added.

  • August 6, 2019

    Events in Vana'diel
    Ambuscade Congestion Addressed

    August 6, 2019 - A new system is added to alleviate congestion in Ambuscade, placing players in one of two instanced areas.

  • September 10, 2019

    Events in Vana'diel
    Storing Seals of Differing Types

    September 10, 2019 – Seals and crests of differing types can now be stored with Shami at the same time; previously, only one type could be stored at a time. In a similar manner, the following month's version update allows differing types of Rem's Tale items (used in reforging artifact armor) to be stored with Monisette at the same time.

  • September 10, 2019

    Events in Vana'diel
    Augmented Items Become Deliverable

    September 10, 2019 - Certain items with augments are now deliverable between playable characters on the same account. This update addresses Geas Fete equipment from Reisenjima, on which various attributes can be applied by using dark matter.

  • December 10, 2019

    Events in Vana'diel
    Major Adjustments to Domain Invasion

    December 10, 2019 - Domain Invasion receives major adjustments. They now occur in order in each region, and battles feature two phases. Furthermore, Domain Points are introduced as rewards, which are exchanged for various equipment and accessories, as well as certain exclusive materials.

  • December 10, 2019

    Behind-the-scenes Commentary
    Regarding Domain Invasion and Mireu

    The Domain Invasion adjustments were based on feedback from players, as well as its connection to Geas Fete, which was current content. The changes aimed for something “light-hearted with an element of excitement,” and Domain Invasion became a standalone content and easier to participate in overall. In this iteration, Mireu was intended as the element of “excitement,” with our original vision being something akin to the original Behemoth, and content similar to Besieged where Worlds can compete for the highest number of consecutive victories. The Mireu we ended up with was too strong and balanced in a way that required all jobs to be used to their fullest, and since then I’ve learned my lesson to tone it down for casual group content. (Yasushi Yamazaki, Planner)

Onward to 2020