February 12, 2020 – The quest “The Silent Forest” is added as an epilogue to the events of Seekers of Adoulin and enables adventurers to form a pact with Siren.
February 12, 2020
Events in Vana'dielFebruary 12, 2020 – The quest “The Silent Forest” is added as an epilogue to the events of Seekers of Adoulin and enables adventurers to form a pact with Siren.
February 12, 2020
Behind-the-scenes Commentary
The quest for Siren avatar was initially planned during the development of Seekers of Adoulin but was canceled due to developmental reasons. (Had it been implemented then, someone else would've been in charge, and the scenario would've been different too.) I thought it was such a shame considering her animations and effects were all ready to go, so when we shifted to our current development structure, I made a self-centered request to work on the quest and received approval. That said, it had to be done in the midst of working on other tasks, so it took me two years before it could be implemented.
First and foremost, I was meticulous about how adventurers would go about forming a pact with an avatar following the events of Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, so I brought that up with other planning staff who were well-versed in the lore to write the scenario. I also paid close attention to Siren's Blood Pact ability, and I carefully considered her traits and possible purposes in my suggestion to the staff member in charge of jobs.
The Blood Pact ability's parameters were solidified about two years prior to the quest's implementation, though that was partially due to how long the process had taken. Both Siren avatar's scenario and Blood Pact ability seemed well-received by our players, filling me with joy, relief, and tremendous gratitude to have been granted the opportunity to handle this project. (Takashi Hisagi, Planner)
February 12, 2020
Behind-the-scenes Commentary
The scenario writer for Rhapsodies of Vana'diel had warned that Siren would be too complicated to implement from a lore perspective. Years later, however, she was implemented as the culmination of passion that went into the lore research, thorough backstory writing, and adjustments.
There were barely any hints leading up to her introduction prior to implementation, so we were also testing the waters to see if we could add more story in future version updates. As for the results of that test, well... the implementation of The Voracious Resurgence can attest to that. (Yoji Fujito, Director)
February 12, 2020
Events in Vana'dielFebruary 12, 2020 - The notorious monster Mireu is added to appear at regular intervals in Domain Invasion. The original version of the wyrm boasts incredible power and wastes no time in snuffing out the lives of many adventurers soon after its introduction. In the following month, Mireu faces punishment for its violent crimes in the form of a major reduction in evasion and magic evasion, in addition to appearing less frequently.
March 10, 2020
Events in Vana'dielMarch 10, 2020 - The battle content known as Odyssey is added, through which materials necessary for reforging equipment from Unity Concord is obtained.
March 10, 2020
Events in Vana'dielMarch 10, 2020 – A cipher of Monberaux’s alter ego is now obtainable for 480 Deeds of Heroism. As an alter ego, Monberaux is a special healer who wields a variety of potions to assist party members. Furthermore, his abilities are altered by donating to him at his infirmary in Upper Jeuno. Donations of gil fund Monberaux's ability to remove status ailments in an area of effect, while offering elixirs and hi-elixirs inspires him to reciprocate by using Final Elixir in battle.
May 18, 2020
Events in Vana'dielMay 18, 2020 – As part of the eighteenth anniversary event, the plan to add an alter ego of Producer Matsui is announced. Players are given an opportunity to suggest the attributes of his character, followed by a player vote between the three specifications with the most requests. The winning entry is used to design the Matsui-P alter ego, which is later released for a limited time.
August 6, 2020
Events in Vana'dielAugust 6, 2020 – The Voracious Resurgence, a new storyline which uncovers the truth behind Vana’diel, begins. Events unfold in Bastok over the course of two months. Initiating this storyline requires completion of Rhapsodies of Vana’diel.
August 6, 2020
Behind-the-scenes Commentary
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel was supposed to be our last major story mission, so imagine my surprise when I heard we were planning a new story! However, I was feeling rather content with the stories I'd written up until then. So instead, I had some goofy scenario ideas like sending adventurers on an isekai ("alternate world") adventure or turning them into a demon lord, but there was obviously no way those would ever be approved…
Then I thought, "Well, I've had my fun with Yagudo, but there's still beastmen I haven't messed around with." (Incidentally, Bijoux, the apkallu elder, originally had even goofier dialogue but it was edited out.) I ended up becoming very fond of the beastmen, since I not only wrote their dialogue, but also created a huge number of their cutscenes with my own two hands.
…And now that I think about it, my goofy ideas ended up getting tweaked and implemented as the Galkan reincarnation story and the beastmen's... ahem. Well, I hope you'll look forward to the rest of the story to come! (Yaeko Sato, Planner)
August 6, 2020
Behind-the-scenes CommentaryIt all began from Producer Matsui's instructions to create a prologue of sorts where we'd reflect on past episodes of the scenario. We held a team discussion during the storyboard process to decide what narratives to include, and my two must-haves were the stories for Galkan reincarnation and the Maelstrom Mage, which ended up generating a massive amount of work. (Sorry...) (Yoji Fujito, Director)
November 10, 2020
Events in Vana'dielNovember 10, 2020 – The second chapter of the Voracious Resurgence takes place in Windurst and is updated over the course of two months.
December 5, 2020 through January 15 2020
Events in Vana'dielDecember 5, 2020 through January 15, 2021 – Vana’diel Café from FINAL FANTASY XI opens at SQUARE ENIX CAFÉ in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan. The café offers unique menu items and various merchandise.
December 10, 2020
Events in Vana'dielNovember 10, 2020 – The Assist Channel is added for new and returning players seeking help and wanting to learn more as they progress through the game.
December 10, 2020
Events in Vana'dielDecember 10, 2020 – Matsui-P's alter ego, whose attributes were decided by player votes in the One Venturous Tarutaru Campaign, arrives in Vana'diel for a limited-time. Matsui-P's alter ego is a ninja/black mage that can fill a variety of roles, such as opening skillchains with sword weapon skills, participating in magic bursts with elemental spells, and more. He accompanies adventurers until his temporary withdrawal on May 10, 2021, and later returns to Vana’diel again on November 10, 2022 (until May 2023).